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Trinity – Revelation

Trinity - Revelation book cover


Author name: CV Fostel

Book title: Trinity – Revelation

Genre: Urban fantasy

Launch date: 13.07.2024

WebsiteCV Fostel

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Three siblings. An ancient prophecy. A terrible danger.

After a tragic loss shatters her world, Aleissa is faced with the choice to leave behind her childhood home to live with her father and two brothers that she never knew existed. What begins as a family reunion soon spirals into chaos as their mysterious childhood quirks unravel into extraordinary abilities.

Unbeknownst to them, they are the focal point of a destiny foretold in the depths of Etharia, a universe untouched by humans until now. Their purpose? To thwart the impending invasion of the malevolent Mejii, creatures lurking within the shadowed realm of Silheed.

Bound by blood and prophecy, Aleissa, Noah and Jared must come to terms with how they can move forward as siblings and as the long-awaited Trinity, forging a path forward in a world where destiny and danger collide

Let's talk about it

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know.
I’ll give you a few things. I’ve been playing the piano since I was seven, and I’m also a self-taught baker. I had a small business for a few years baking cakes and cupcakes for all occasions, and learned how to make cake batter, fondant and ganache from scratch. My favourite flavour of potato chips are either Red Rock Deli Sweet Chilli & Sour Cream, Smiths Crinkle Cut Original or Doritos Nacho Cheese.

Why did you choose the themes in your book and were you aware of them from the start?
I always knew that I wanted to write a book about siblings and extraordinary abilities, and I also knew that I wanted them to face a really complex situation together. Writing in multiple POVs allowed me to explore the challenges from each character’s perspective, which I really enjoyed.

How difficult was it for you to write this book? Did you face any obstacles?
This book took me fourteen years to write, mainly due to the busyness of life with four children and a full-time job! My ideas kept changing in the beginning, so it was hard to nail down the exact storyline I wanted to write about, and I changed my character names several times as well. Then my laptop got stolen, which threw a major spanner in the works. Thankfully, the USB containing every single document for Trinity was safely tucked away in my bedroom!

Do you always write in this genre or do you like to break out of the box?
I absolutely love writing fantasy, as your imagination is limitless. You can break so many rules and create things that are completely out of the box. I also love writing romance, and I have a few ideas for some standalone romance novels once I’m finished with the Trinity trilogy.

What are your writing habits or idiosyncrasies?
I prefer to write at night (when everybody is asleep). I draw a lot of inspiration from people I’ve met or movies and other books. I always think ‘hey, I really liked that, but what if they did this instead, or what if their situation ended up like that?’ Music is also a big driver for me. I’ll hear a particular song and will instantly know exactly how to craft a scene based on that. Funnily enough, I cannot write while listening to music; it has to be dead silent otherwise I get completely distracted.

What would you do differently next time?
BE MORE ORGANISED. My notes and ideas are EVERYWHERE. I need to utilise my Notes app more and find programs that can track daily word count goals. I found that my writing was always rushed because I wouldn’t write for two weeks and would then try to hammer out several chapters in one sitting. Breaking it down, having visual aids and writing more regularly will be a big help for Book 2 and 3.

With hindsight, what would you say to yourself as a fledgling writer?
Know your storyline and know your characters. Explore this deeply, and the rest will follow. Don’t worry about having the perfect words just yet; get the whole story written down and then go back and sharpen it. I spent so much time obsessing over writing the most absolutely perfect scene in the beginning whereas I could have written the bare bones and come back to tweak it later.

If you worked with a professional editor, what was the experience like?
I worked with a copyeditor, and it was a really pleasant experience. I didn’t know what to expect so I was a little nervous about the feedback. She did an amazing job in retaining my natural author voice while helping to really tighten up different parts of the book. It definitely gave Revelation the extra oomph it needed to get it across the line.

What’s next for your writing?
I’m working on Book 2 in the Trinity series and very excited to continue Aleissa, Noah and Jared’s journey!

Author Bio

CV Fostel Author Head Shot

Crystal Fostel is the Australian author of the urban fantasy novel Trinity – Revelation, which is the first book in her Trinity trilogy. She is a Brisbane-based mother of four and works full-time as an Executive Assistant for a private company. From a very young age, Crystal has always been an avid reader and writer, fondly nicknamed ‘Bookworm’ by friends and family. She was a regular participant in the library’s school holiday reading program, and entered several short story competitions during primary school (a few of which she won). Her favourite authors growing up were RL Stine, Judy Blume, Ann M Martin and Francine Pascal. As an adult, she loves work by Dan Brown, Sophie Kinsella, Jody Picoult and JK Rowling

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